  • Beautiful flowers and gifts for all occasions, delivered across Hong Kong!

Golden Heart

Deep red carnations, champagne-hued roses, vibrant amber carnation sprays and a stunning sunflower adorned in between. Express your love & cherishment with the perfect gift - made with love, for the woman with a Golden Heart.


35cm (H) x 30cm (L)


Sunflower (1 Stalk), Red Carnation (5 Stalks), Champagne Roses (3 Stalks), Two-toned Orange Carnation Spray (3 Stalks), Eucalyptus Leaves


Mother's Day Flowers, Thank You Token, Appreciation Gestures, Carnation Lover


Free message card

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  • Chocolates
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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Kaur Bervinder
貨不對辦 😤 Writing this again because they took my review down the first time

貨不對辦 😤
The flowers I received did not match the bouquet I ordered at all. The color and arrangement were quite different from the picture I saw. While I understand some variation is expected, the red and pink tones were significantly off, (I only chose this bouquet because I liked how the red popped and the sunflower was nicely positioned, and the white wrapping paper gave a simple background for the colors to stand out) And everything was wrong, red was not red but pink blush (I hate pink), the wrapping paper clashed with the rose, they look invisible now , don’t even get me started on the arrangement. Given the cost of the bouquet, I expected the final product to more closely resemble the advertised arrangement. I am very disappointed and upset with the quality. Sorry if it sounds rude, but this was supposed to be a gift for a special friend, I was very worried if she will like it, and even I hate it now. Safe to say I will never buy again from them.

Kaur Bervinder
貨不對辦 😤

The flowers I received did not match the bouquet I ordered at all. The color and arrangement were quite different from the picture I saw. While I understand some variation is expected, the red and pink tones were significantly off, (I only chose this bouquet because I liked how the red popped and the sunflower was nicely positioned, and the white wrapping paper gave a simple background for the colors to stand out) And everything was wrong, red was not red but pink blush (I hate pink), the wrapping paper clashed with the rose, they look invisible now , don’t even get me started on the arrangement. Given the cost of the bouquet, I expected the final product to more closely resemble the advertised arrangement. I am very disappointed and upset with the quality. Sorry if it sounds rude, but this was supposed to be a gift for a special friend, I was very worried if she will like it, and even I hate it now. Safe to say I will never buy again from them.

18th Birthday

Happy 18th birthday! Wishing you a lifetime of health and happiness. Love and support you all the time.🩷❤️🧡